Diagnosis: Linear IgA disease
Description: Neutrophils in papillary dermis
Clinical Features: Blisters
Pathology/Site Features: Neutrophils -dermis
Sex: F
Age: 76
Submitted By: Ian McColl
Differential DiagnosisHistory: 1929bb This elderly lady has been on high dose IV antibiotics for an infected hip prosthesis when she developed this blistering eruption. Clinically Vancomycin induced linear IgA disease. DD Bullous pemphigoid or another blistering drug eruption
Description: Neutrophils in papillary dermis
Comments:Sections show a subepidermal blister with neutrophils and a few eosinophils in the base. The neutrophils extend sideways beyond the blister in the papillary dermis. The light microscopy suggests linear IgA disease. The I.F. shows +++ linear IgA along the basement membrane.